
HI everyone! This blog is sooo cool! This is like my new favorite thing! :) ( next to swimming) I love playing softball too! Im on a softball team named the bat busters! Its the worst name in the whole world! Anyway i like the people on my team though! But iv missed alot of games and practices! so im probally not going to play again!

 The things i want to do before a die!

1. travel

2. go to where the four corners meet

3. meet justin bieber

4. get a monster truck when i turn 15

5. kiss justin bieber(i no its probally not going to happen)

6. pet a dolphine

My Favorite things to do! 


    2.text! my new miley cyrus book!


    5.listen to music! with friends! with faimly!

    8. volleyball!   


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