
This page is about my family! I have an awsome family! My little brother marc can be a really annoying person. But hes my brother and i love him anyway! He just had his birthday and go an xbox360. He really wanted it! he also got really cool walky talkys. They can streach 20 miles! It was his 8th birthday!

We have 3 dogs!!! One is a chocklet lab named Sadie. Another one is named Duches and she has cancer in her  belly and is really old! The last one is named Biscuit and hes the only boy! Then i have a hermit crab named bob! Were all just one big family!

 I Have The Best Family ever!!

I have the best mom in the world. We are really close!! One time me and like six other people were at Texas Dynasty and she let all them come have a sleepover in our tiny rent house! Ali and mcCall slept on Marc's tope bunk and me and Blakeley were on the bottom and Sarah was on the floor beside the bed. Hahaha :D  

<3, :), :(, :O, =)   


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